Austin 7 Sports Car comes in For A Spruce Up

This Classic Austin 7 racing car one of last week’s little projects, Its projects like this really gives a buzz around the Studio, particualy as this Austin has loads of history attached to it to die for, which needs protecting for future enthusiasts.

This absolutely magnificent Austin came into our detailing studio, studio situated in Pennings in Milton Keynes for a clean-up and polish.

This consisted of a full “Safe Wash” finished off with a full polish to revive the paint work, after being kept in storage, since the end of last summer.

But first let’s go back in time to understand the amazing heritage of the Austin 7, which all started in 1923 when the Austin 7 delivered successes at the Easter Monday “Small Handicap race” at Brooklands. Once again, an Austin 7 went on to win again in April of that year at the 250km Monza Grand Prix des Cycle Cars

Once again, an Austin went on to claim a podium finish in the “Whitsun Handicap Race” at Brooklands, but despite lapping at 70 mph finished second, an impressive result.

The Austin 7’s engine had not been designed for the rigors of racing and its lubrication system proved inadequate.

These problems were addressed and the Austin 7’s engine became remarkably reliable at racing speeds.

As a result, a lightweight racing car was built, which featured a body that weighed a scant 20 lbs and with that took second place in the Brooklands 200-mile race of October 1923 and proceeded to set six Brooklands records, with a lapping speed on the Brooklands circuit of 80 mph.

Throughout the 1920s the little Austin 7 swept everything before it and found itself quite often competing with other Austin 7 teams.

The side valve engine was developed beyond all recognition by the original designer with pressure fed lubrication and supercharging which were popular modifications.

This development did not do any harm to the Austin 7’s reputation and so Austin created two competition models in January 1924; the “Sports”, and the “Brooklands Super Sports”.

The “piece de resistance” for the Austin 7 was to be outright victory in the inaugural “Australian Grand Prix” of 1928.

This particular little gem of a classic is still being raced today at some of the most prestige’s racing circuits in Europe, like Nuremburg in Germany, as well as at the Goodwood of speed event in the UK.


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